$500,000 Reward for Information Leading to Killers of Homeless Man – McKenzie
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Desmond McKenzie has strongly condemned the murder of Lionel Johnson, who was set on fire in the area of Heroes Circle early this morning.
“This is an absolutely savage act. While we still don’t know the motive for this heinous crime, the suffering that Mr. Johnson would have endured, as well as the taking of his life, reflects for me the lowest level of depravity. He was well known to the Kingston and St. Andrew Poor Relief Department, which regularly supported him by providing food, and at times he stayed at the Night Shelter at Church Street.
“I condemn this horrible act and I call on my fellow Jamaicans to do the same, as well as to provide the police with any available facts. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is also offering a reward of $500,000 for information that results in the arrest of the person or persons responsible. No civilized society can allow acts such as these to go unchallenged and unpunished.
“I also want to urge our brothers and sisters who make up the homeless population to use the Night Shelters regularly not only for food and hygiene, but also for safety. While I know that some of them are inclined to spend the night on the streets, I am appealing to them to stay at these facilities which are built for them, and where they are assured of protection. I have also asked the Local Authorities to appeal directly to them in this regard, through their daily interactions.”