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Local Government Plays Major Role in Labour Day 2013

Minister of State in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, the Honourable Colin Fagan announced the Local Authorities’ parish projects being planned for Labour Day May 23, 2013; which are all geared towards supporting the national theme “Lend a hand…Build our land”.
The announcement was made during the National Church Service held at the United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic, 20 Camp Road yesterday Sunday, May 19, 2013.
The State Minister also explained that the Ministry would be facilitating the registration of community projects through the island’s fourteen Local Authorities as well as the Social Development Commission (SDC) and that the SDC will, as usual, be the main mobilization machinery for volunteers to work on the National, Parish and community projects.
The State Minister also made a presentation on Monday May 13, 2013 during the ceremony to Launch National Labour 2013; at that time he said that the Ministry was pleased to once again be associated with National Labour Day and stood ready to play an even more integral role as Jamaica continues its annual observation of National Workers’ Week and Labour Day.    “Ever since former Prime Minister Michael Manley advocated for Labour Day to be used to showcase the importance of labour to the development of Jamaica, local government has been integrally involved in one way or another in its observation, and we look forward to continuing… to deepeningour efforts in the not too distant future”, he said..
The Parish Projects are:
Clarendon       –          Building of a two bedroom board structure for a mother of
four children
Manchester      –         Work will be done at the Mandeville Regional Hospital
Westmoreland –          Rehabilitation of the Roaring River Early Childhood Institute – Pittersfield
St Thomas       –          Building two houses for two homeless persons.
Portland          –            Repairs to steps at the Port Antonio Hospital
St Ann             –            St. Ann Infirmary
Trelawny        –            Cleaning of Falmouth Town
St James        –           Repairs to Charles Gordon Market
Portmore       –            Repair and build houses for two disabled persons
Hanover         –           Work to be done on the Orange Bay Basic School
St Catherine   –          Rehabilitation of the Spanish Town Market
St Elizabeth    –          Construction of partitions for a classroom block at the St. Mary’s All Age School, St. Mary in the Malvern Division, South East, St. Elizabeth
K.S.A.C.        –            Work will be done at the Golden Age Home – Vineyard Town;
                                    and the Wortley Girls Home
They will be painting the Central Police Station;
                                    Painting & cleaning up of the KSAC’s Administrative Building and
                                    surrounding area to give facelift
St. Mary is not included as this is where the National Project will be taking place; The Port Maria Infirmary.