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Closure of 36 beaches and rivers takes effect today

Minister of Local Government and Community Development Honourable Desmond McKenzie is reminding the public that 36 beaches and rivers are officially closed as of today, Friday August 14. No activities can take place at these venues and no access to them will be allowed until further notice.

“We are serious about preserving public health, and that is why these 17 beaches and 19 rivers, which reflected glaring and continuous breaches of the COVID-19 protocols must be closed at this time. We will be monitoring these locations to make sure that they are closed until permission is given for re-opening. In the meantime, I am calling on those who will go to other beaches and rivers this weekend and thereafter, to stick to the protocols. We want to see increased use of masks, more sanitizing and social distancing. We don’t want the venues to be overcrowded. People can have a great time without creating an increased risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19.”



Parish Beaches Rivers
Kingston and St.Andrew (6) Bob Marley  Beach Cane River Falls
Penfield River
Grove River
Cane River (Dallas)
Hope River
  1 5
St.Catherine (2) Hellshire    Beach Caymanas River/Natures Paradise River
  1 1
Clarendon (3) Farquhar Beach Salt River
Cockpit River
1 2
Manchester (4) Alligator Pond Beach Alligator Pond River
Noisy River (Oxford  River)
Gutts River
  1 3
St.Elizabeth (1) Great Bay Beach
1  0
Westmoreland    (3) Bluefields Beach Sweet River
Norman Manley Beach  Roaring River
2 2
Trelawny (4) Burwood Beach
Jacobs Taylor
Half Moon Bay
Victoria/Charlott Beach
St. Ann (4) Ocho Rios Bay Beach/Turtle Beach Little Dunns  River
Fantasy Beach
Cardiff Hall Beach /Flavours Beach
3 1
Portland (3) Winnifred Beach
Frenchman’s Cove
St. Mary (2) Spanish Bridge River
  Blue Hole River -Cascade
   0 2
St.Thomas (3) Yallahs River
Reggae Falls
Roaring River
Total 36 17 Beaches 19 Rivers