Local Government Ministry to Carry Out Improvements to Bustamante’s Birthplace and Blenheim Community Centre
The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development will be undertaking significant improvement works at the Blenheim, Hanover, birthplace of National Hero, Sir William Alexander Bustamante.
Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie says the site of the former Prime Minister’s birth “requires a level of improvement, to a standard that is worthy of his status as the country’s first political leader elected under Universal Adult Suffrage, and as the first Prime Minister of Independent Jamaica. We also have a special interest in this, as Bustamante was a pioneer of Local Government who served as Mayor of Kingston in the late 1940s.”
Accordingly, the Minister announced that “the Ministry will be allocating J$20 million, to repair the road that leads to his birthplace. Additionally, the Ministry, through its Agency the Social Development Commission, will rehabilitate the Community Centre in Blenheim.”
Minister McKenzie was speaking at a special Civic Ceremony to mark the 133rdanniversary of Bustamante’s birth. The event was held at Blenheim on Friday, February 24.
Contact: Communications Unit
Ministry of Local Government and Community Development