Westmoreland Municipal Corporation
Great Georges Street, Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland, Municipal Corporation
Westmoreland was founded in 1703 and was most likely so named because it is the western most parish on the island. The parish boasts rain-fed fertile soils and low relief, well suited for sugar cane. The topography consists mainly of hills and slopes of moderate elevation. The remaining quarter of the parish consists of low lying alluvial plains and some 10,000 - 12,000 acres of wetlands.
Savanna-la-Mar is the capital town of Westmoreland. It was developed as a port from which sugar was exported and dates back to around 1730. The Spanish name Savanna-la-mar means "plain by the sea" refers to its immediate environment. The port was built at the end of a straight road that runs perpendicular to the coastline. The road was flanked by flat mangrove swamps, which limited the lateral expansion of the development. The resulting linear development was unlike the many other ribbon-like developments along the coast.
The town of Frome is located some 5 miles away from Savanna-la-Mar and boasts one of the few remaining sugar factories in the country. Unfortunately, exporting activities at the Savanna-la-Mar port ceased in 1985 and sugar is now exported from Ocho Rios. Next to sugar and rum in importance is the cattle industry, which produces dairy and beef. Farming of rice, bananas, coffee, ginger, pimento and honey were also popular in the parish in the mid 1960s.
There has been a decline of the traditional agrarian industries of sugar and cattle over the years. This decline has been largely due to a shift in the local and macro economy from natural resource based industries to the more human resource based ones such as tourism and financial services. The parish also produces diverse agricultural products such as sugar cane, cocoa, coconut, coffee, citrus and pimento. The fishing industry in Westmoreland currently ranks second in the island.
Savanna-la-Mar is the capital town of Westmoreland. It was developed as a port from which sugar was exported and dates back to around 1730. The Spanish name Savanna-la-mar means "plain by the sea" refers to its immediate environment. The port was built at the end of a straight road that runs perpendicular to the coastline. The road was flanked by flat mangrove swamps, which limited the lateral expansion of the development. The resulting linear development was unlike the many other ribbon-like developments along the coast.
The town of Frome is located some 5 miles away from Savanna-la-Mar and boasts one of the few remaining sugar factories in the country. Unfortunately, exporting activities at the Savanna-la-Mar port ceased in 1985 and sugar is now exported from Ocho Rios. Next to sugar and rum in importance is the cattle industry, which produces dairy and beef. Farming of rice, bananas, coffee, ginger, pimento and honey were also popular in the parish in the mid 1960s.
There has been a decline of the traditional agrarian industries of sugar and cattle over the years. This decline has been largely due to a shift in the local and macro economy from natural resource based industries to the more human resource based ones such as tourism and financial services. The parish also produces diverse agricultural products such as sugar cane, cocoa, coconut, coffee, citrus and pimento. The fishing industry in Westmoreland currently ranks second in the island.
Key Positions within the organisation:
Chairman - His Worship the Mayor Danree DelancyDeputy Chairman - Councillor Devon Thomas
Chief Executive Officer - Mr. Andrae Griffiths
Chief Engineering Officer - Ms. Althea Hall
Director of Finance - Mrs. Marcia Jackson
Director of Planning - Ms. Tamara Campbell (Actg)
Director of Administration - Ms. Rolecia Kennedy
Disaster Coordinator - MRs. Marcine Campbell-Kerr