Minister of Local Government and Community, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, has announced new Market and Infirmary infrastructure projects for this financial year. In making his contribution to the Sectoral Debate today, the Minister announced that J$135 million will be spent to build new Wards at the Manchester and Portland Infirmaries. According to Minister McKenzie, Male and Female Wards at the Portland Infirmary will be designed to house 55 residents in a private home setting, which will also feature a Nurses’ Station and an Examination Room. “Grab bars and ramps will be placed in all appropriate locations, to ensure access to all mobility aids, while energy efficiency will be promoted by the use of solar power and LED Lighting. This facility will cost approximately J$80 million. With this state of the art facility, the optimizing of residents’ privacy and dignity will be assured. The Female Ward at the Manchester Infirmary will have the same features, will house 43 residents, and will be constructed at a cost of J$55 million. These funds will be sourced from Property Taxes and the Equalization Fund, and will not be a charge on the central Budget.” The Portfolio Minister also advised the House, that refurbishing works will begin at the Buff Bay Market in Portland, and completion works will continue at Clarks Town market in Trelawny. The Buff Bay Market is expected to provide accommodation for one hundred vendors, and feature among other things: Low and renewable energy technologies such as LED lights, solar panels and solar water heaters. Water harvesting systems, modern bathroom and showering facilities for vendors. There will be spaces for commercial offices or stores. This will make the market more attractive and suitable to other types of businesses and customers. Work will also be done at the Port Maria Market, at an estimated cost of J$40 million. This two-storey facility will be built at the location of the present market site, opposite the Parish Council building. It will house approximately seventy vendors on the ground floor, while the first floor will facilitate business spaces for entrepreneurs.