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US Embassy donates front-end loader for disaster response

February 25, 2020
The Government has received a donation of heavy-duty equipment from the United States (US) Embassy in Kingston, and the Department of Defence, US Southern Command, to boost local disaster relief…

Fire station proposed for South Trelawny

February 14, 2020
KINGSTON, Jamaica: The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development will be undertaking the construction of a fire station in South Trelawny. Portfolio Minister, Honourable Desmond McKenzie, in making the…

Heightening Stakeholder Expectations Ahead Of Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Youth Forum

February 13, 2020
Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, has described the recently concluded stakeholders meeting in Panama to discuss, among other things, the upcoming Youth Forum on Disaster Risk…

Ministry to ramp up earthquake preparedness activities

February 11, 2020
KINGSTON, Jamaica: The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development is to intensify its earthquake preparedness activities following the 7.7 tremor that was felt in parts of the island last…

Registration Under Way For Seventh Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Platform

February 7, 2020
Registration has commenced for the seventh Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean. The event is slated for July 7 to 10 in Montego Bay,…