New Building Act in effect
April 3, 2019
KINGSTON, Jamaica: A new Building Act with a modern legislative framework that will serve to reduce the vulnerability of Jamaica’s built environment and ensure public safety, is now in effect. The Building Act…

Jamaicans urged to become more proactive to natural disasters
January 15, 2019
KINGSTON, Jamaica: Jamaicans are being urged to embrace a more proactive approach to natural disasters as the country moves to increase its disaster resilience. Minster of Local Government and Community development,…

Minister presents St. Ann senior citizens with new homes
January 8, 2019
OCHO RIOS, St. Ann: Two senior citizens have received new homes in keeping with the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development’s thrust to protect the vulnerable, in the communities of…

Local government minister targets inaugural youth mayors’ forum as incubator of new talent for the local government system
November 26, 2018
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie has expressed great confidence that the inaugural Youth Mayors' Forum will be the foundation for the development of young people…

Local government ministry to provide educational and housing assistance to raheem powell and his family
November 5, 2018
Minister of Local Government and Community Development Hon. Desmond McKenzie has moved to assist the family of 17 year old Raheem Powell, whose living circumstances were the subject of a…