NSWMA launches Operation Sweep Cop – Special initiative to improve public cleansing operations during the festive season
The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) has expanded its operations with the introduction of ‘Operation Sweep Cop’ for the festive season.
‘Operation Sweep Cop’, outfitted with 10 motorcycles and eight new trucks, is tasked with ensuring proper waste disposal among Jamaicans. The team will work to enforce and enhance public cleansing operations and programmes.
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Honourable Desmond McKenzie said that there will be a strong push to ensure effective garbage collection with a special initiative.
“Over the Christmas there will be a special programme that will be rolled out in the NSWMA and the various municipalities in dealing with town centres and market districts across Jamaica for a special clean-up programme during the Christmas period,” he said noting that 10 sweep-cleaning machines will be acquired as part of the innovative approach to garbage collection.
“We are not going to allow any unruly behaviours to push aside the efforts of having a clean Christmas, we are not only committing to a clean Christmas but to a clean Jamaica so that we can return to the good old days.”
Prime Minister Andrew Holness also urged Jamaicans to practice greater personal responsibility in their waste disposal, with the launch of the initiative.
“The enhancement and the enforcement are important. I want you to not just focus on the enhance services that means more garbage compactors; I want you to also focus on the enforcement,” said the Prime Minister during the recent hand-over of 50 new trucks and 10 bikes to NSWMA.
“No matter how many garbage trucks we purchase, if someone driving in a taxi drinking a sweet drink — which they shouldn’t be drinking in the first place – and having finished it just decided to throw it out the window and it lands in the virgates and as you drive through Jamaica, it is very sad.”
The new units were acquired at a cost of US$6.9 million and increased the company’s fleet to 129.
The bikes were purchased for the Enforcement and Compliance Unit of the NSWMA in a bid to help identify, report and initiate prosecution of people who are breaching the company’s regulations.
Twelve trucks were sent to the Western Parks and Markets, 10 to Metropolitan Parks and Markets, 10 to Southern Parks and Markets, 10 to North Eastern Parks and Markets, and eight for the roving team under ‘Operation Sweep Cop’.