ODPEM announces closure of the Cays
Kingston, Jamaica – The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) has announced the immediate closure of all Cays, with the exception of Morant and Pedro Cays.
The decision was announced following joint discussions between the Ministers of Local Government and Rural Development as well as National Security, and the relevant Municipal Corporation.
The closure order is effective from January 19, 2021 to February 1, 2021.
The ODPEM is reminding the public that no activities should take place at these locations as the Government seek to reduce the risk of spreading the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) (COVID-19) in the country.
Morant and Pedro Cays are exempted as they fall within a specific legislation that zone those areas for fishing and give stipulations for operation. This designation is contained in the Morant and Pedro Cays Act of 1971 which reads that the Cays “shall, for all purposes other than taxation, be deemed to be within and form part of the parish of Kingston”.
The Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard and the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Marine Police will continue to rigorously monitor the Cays and all other locations to enforce the laws and ensure that the public is conforming to the established Covid-19 protocols.
Additionally, the ODPEM is reminding the public to adhere to the rules under the Disaster Risk Management (Enforcement Measures) Order, 2021.
Persons are urged to adhere to the regulations under the Disaster Risk Management Act 2015 and do the following:
- Obey all orders under the Disaster Risk Management Enforcement Orders
2. Wear a Mask in all Public Spaces
3. Sanitize and or wash your hands as often as possible
4. Maintain physical distance of at least 6 feet