ODPEM Commences Post-hurricane Beryl Damage Assessments
The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) and its partner agencies have commenced initial damage assessments of sections of the island damaged by Hurricane Beryl.

Acting Director General, Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), Richard Thompson.Acting Director General, Richard Thompson, told JIS News that information received by the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) indicates that some homes and public infrastructure have sustained damage resulting from flooding and storm surge, adding that there have been reports of downed trees and utility poles, broken power lines, and blocked roads in several communities.
“The information that is coming to us, based on the communities and the local governance setup, is that, to date, the most impacted parishes are St. Elizabeth, Hanover, parts of Clarendon, and Portland,” he informed, while citing reports of minor damage in St. Thomas.

“We are looking at all the parishes that have been impacted to pull any information to see what is happening, and to see the kind of post disaster (assistance that is required). We are looking at the parishes that, based on the reports coming into the NEOC, have been heavily impacted,” the Acting Director General said.

Mr. Thompson added that agencies represented on the National Disaster Risk Management Council are involved in the post-hurricane recovery process.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is leading the humanitarian effort in providing welfare packages to persons in the affected communities.