Construction of Barnett Street Fire Station on track
October 25, 2019
JIS NEWS, Montego Bay: Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, says completion of the Barnett Street Fire Station in St. James is on track to be completed…

$120m homeless shelter for Corporate Area – Facility to be built in downtown Kingston
June 5, 2019
KINGSTON, Jamaica: The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development will construct a J$120 million homeless shelter during this fiscal year. “The designs have been completed and the works have already…

Drop-In Centre opens in St. Elizabeth
May 7, 2019
BLACK RIVER, St. Elizabeth: Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Honourable Desmond McKenzie, has opened the country’s fourth Drop-In Centre in St. Elizabeth. The St. Elizabeth Drop-In Centre, located at…

New Female Ward to be Built at Manchester Infirmary
May 6, 2019
MANDEVILLE, Manchester (JIS): A new $40 million female ward is to be constructed at the Manchester Infirmary, located at Royal Flat. Local Government and Community Development Minister, Honourable Desmond McKenzie, broke…

Minister presents St. Ann senior citizens with new homes
January 8, 2019
OCHO RIOS, St. Ann: Two senior citizens have received new homes in keeping with the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development’s thrust to protect the vulnerable, in the communities of…